The water levels and the correct type of water used in lead acid batteries is crucial to the batteries performance and essentially its life. We can supply battery deionised water. Too much or too little water and the battery will fail equally so if the wrong type of water is used. This problem can be easily avoided and there are various solutions available to maintain water levels and essentially your batteries life and performance.

Automatic Battery Float System (BFS) - As the name suggests the BFS automatically maintains the optimum water level in every cell in your batteries. A float in each of the batteries cells operates a valve that shuts off the water supply in each cell when the water is at the correct level. The benefits of this system are obvious and the system can be fitted to material handling machinery, floor cleaning machines and access platforms. All tyoes of filling systems can be supplied
Manual Battery Top Up - Manually topping up your batteries can be easily done by using our battery topping up gun. This de – ioniser’s incoming water by passing it through a cartridge which contains beds of catonic and anionic resins, which electro statically distils, demineralises water and removes any impurities. The Gun is wall mounted is easy to fit and needs power from a 13amp socket.

POSNEG are able to offer these and other solutions to suit all battery filling requirement you require.

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